Fair Use Policy

At Zentic, we pride ourselves on providing fast and reliable services to all our customers. Our Fair Use Policy (FUP) helps us ensure this quality and prevent abuse. Think of our FUP as the rules at an 'all you can eat' restaurant: enjoyment is allowed, but abuse will not be tolerated.

Our systems monitor all activity on our platform to quickly detect anomalies. The limits of our FUP are wide, so almost no one experiences any problems with this. Only in less than 0.01% of cases do we see conscious or unconscious abuse. In those cases, we look for a solution together.

What is not allowed?

Although our policy is broader than that of many other providers, some things are not allowed:

  • Creating backups with proprietary tools or WordPress plugins, as we already provide backups.
  • Using your hosting account for purposes other than hosting a website.
  • Public sharing of your hosting account.
  • Posting of copyrighted content.
  • Using your hosting account for file storage or file sharing.
  • Using your hosting account for streaming.
  • Use of inefficient or heavy code that demands excessive server resources.
  • Hosting of casino or adult websites or content.

Sample situations

Examples of situations where you quickly fall outside the FUP:

  • Run own crawler scripts.
  • Running large WordPress import scripts.
  • Email alerts sent every minute.
  • Send mass emails from a personal mailbox.
  • Heavy product feeds or imports.

No worries

We will never simply cancel or disconnect your service. If you do not comply with our FUP, we will always contact you first to find a solution together. Only in serious cases, such as phishing or sending large amounts of spam, will we take immediate action. Usually, your website remains online, but we can set limited customisation options for security.

Monitoring CPU usage

Everything that happens in your hosting package is calculated by the CPU. Every website has a certain amount of CPU at its disposal. We provide enough space for processes, but if your account structurally uses more than 20% of server resources, we will get in touch.

Causes and solutions

Causes could be inefficient scripts or a busy website. Upgrading to the latest PHP version and optimising your website (e.g. by caching and compressing images) can help. If your website is already optimised, consider a package with more resources.

Monitoring database usage

Almost all websites use databases. A database larger than 2GB or intensive use of database resources can negatively affect server performance. In this case, we ask you to optimise your database.

Causes and solutions

Causes may be bulky tables or inefficient queries. Removing old data and improving queries can help.

Monitoring RAM usage

High RAM usage often goes hand in hand with high CPU usage. See CPU usage for possible causes and solutions.

Monitoring on NVMe storage

We use NVMe storage for the best performance. Only use your account for your website, not as a storage location. Backups should not be on your hosting account; we already make enough backups for you.

Monitoring for malware

We check for malware daily. If we find unwanted code, we let you know immediately and offer assistance in cleaning it up.

Monitoring on bandwidth

Although bandwidth is unlimited, we monitor usage. Irregularities are thus quickly noticed.

Monitoring email usage

Our e-mail solutions are comprehensive, but in case of excessive usage, we will get in touch. Examples include mailboxes larger than 5GB, sending more than 125 emails per hour, and a high percentage of bounces.

Some tips
  • Send large mailings through dedicated programmes such as Mailchimp.
  • Do not use forwarders to other domains.
  • Use Captcha on forms to avoid spam.
  • Send large files via services such as WeTransfer.
  • Consider professional cloud e-mail solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace for larger e-mail needs.

Questions or special requests

For temporary increase of resources, e.g. for a large newsletter, please contact our support. We are happy to think along with you.


Do you have any questions or special requests? Please contact our support so that we can help you as best we can.